Capital Healing Rooms

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As I reflect on the past 18 years of ministry at CHR, I'm reminded again of the need for perseverance.  It's relatively easy to look back and recall the highlights. However, just like most things in life, the many highlights have been punctuated with challenges, twists and turns, discouragement and the odd trial or two. 

It has been said many times, ‘this life of faith is a marathon not a sprint.’  This is of course a problem for us in the fast paced 21st century where we have fast food, fast cars, fast internet and expect fast solutions to our problems.  It is also a huge challenge for those of us for whom the words ‘cross country,’ 800m or 1500m at the athletics carnival, had us thinking of any and every way to fake an injury. Perhaps to even inform the PE teacher our dog had just swallowed our 10,000 word essay on the benefit of physical fitness! I have some very painful memories of the cross country in high school – perhaps I need inner healing.

Coming back to our topic, James put it this way in v4 of chapter 1 – “perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (NIV).  There is a clear progression here.  We can’t expect maturity, completeness and fulfilment if we lack perseverance or patience as other translations render it.  The word mature has within its meaning a fully grown adult; something that is perfect or something requiring nothing further to make it complete.

This verse of course follows James’ exhortation to count it joy when we face trials, because in the correct environment and heart attitude, the testing of our faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance is therefore a fruit which grows from us exercising our faith. Clearly, perseverance is a character trait worthy of pursuit!

By correct environment, I mean an environment of faith and expectancy. One which says ‘come what may, I know God works all things together for my good and I trust Him to turn this test into a testimony, this ‘detour’ into a demonstration of His power and faithfulness for the glory of His Name’.  If we give up, throw in the towel and allow bitterness, disappointment or resentment to enter our heart, we will never be mature and complete lacking nothing.  Trials lead to the testing of our faith, testing of our faith leads to perseverance and perseverance leads to maturity. 

If we ‘short circuit’ the process, or even try and hurry it along with our ‘clever’ solutions, we run the real risk of remaining ‘immature’ (incomplete, still needing work) in respect of this particular trial or challenge.  As I look back over the course of my life, I see quite clearly those times where my clever ideas or solutions to various trials may have appeared to ‘fix’ the issue at hand.  However it comes as no surprise that unless we learn the lessons in the trials we can rest assured they will come around again until we do.  It’s like an exam you get to sit over and over until to pass it.  This too has been my experience.

There will always be another trial or test along the way but wouldn’t it be wise to learn lessons on the way so we can move onwards and upwards?

The Bible promises us we will reap the reward if we don’t give up. Gal 6:9

I was reminded recently that Evan Roberts as a young, uneducated man of 14, prayed for 11 years for revival to come to Wales before the Holy Spirit fell in a small mining town.  Over 100,000 people came to faith in the following year as a result of his perseverance!

We have had to persevere at CHR over the last 18 years.  Yes of course we have seen much fruit and yet there is more fruit to be harvested in the years ahead.  In the scheme of eternity we have only been at this a very short time. Perhaps it’s even fair to say some fruit may not be fully known or understood this side of glory but let me encourage you to persevere in whatever is before you at present.  The Father is incredibly faithful and only has the best for His children.  If He is saying ‘no’ to you on a particular issue, it only means He has a better ‘yes’ in store.  Wouldn’t it be a shame to give up, pull back or allow disappointment, resentment or regret rob you from His best for you. 

Let’s be people who persevere so we may be mature and complete – lacking nothing!