Jesus said “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

John 20:21-22

Jesus was sent by the Father to destroy (undo) the works of the enemy and He sends us into the world to do the same, empowered and equipped for the task. Aren’t you glad He promised never to leave or forsake us?

It was for our benefit He went back to the Father so Holy Spirit could come. When Jesus was on earth, He performed many miracles but He was limited to being in one place at one time (just like we are) because He was here as a man – God in human form. He surrendered His omnipresence in coming to earth. When He returned to heaven and Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost, He was no longer limited by ‘the one place at a time’ restriction of humanity. What a magnificent plan God has had right from the start!

He dwells in the heart of every believer and He has sent us (commissioned us) to do His work here on earth and to do our part in preparing for His return.

What a privilege to be in the Master’s service! What a joy to be able to pray for those who are lost, hurting, ill and injured in the community and watch Holy Spirit minister the healing presence of Jesus, the Father’s love and so much more.

Are you ready for all that He has for you? As we take Him at His Word and continue to watch for those God-given opportunities, He will put people across our path who need a touch from God. Can I encourage you today to always be prepared with five simple words: - “May I pray for you?” In the workplace, in the supermarket, at the gym or wherever it is you ‘hang out’, look for opportunities to bless and you’ll find them.

I believe Holy Spirit is looking for those who are willing to simply step out and trust Him for the rest. At the Healing Rooms and for several of our team, while going about their daily routine, we are being given more and more opportunities to bless, encourage, heal, restore, deliver and offer the priceless gift of salvation to many in such desperate need. The world, perhaps now more than ever before, needs the Saviour and the Prince of Peace to smash the fear pervading our communities in these strange times.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and we are hungry to see His power and life-giving Spirit at work in our community. We’re not satisfied to simply read the history books of wonderful revivals of the past, where whole cities were turned upside down for Jesus, but eagerly desire to be a part of changing (or making) history here in Canberra (and beyond) for the honour of the Name which is above every other name – JESUS! We’ve truly believe the best is yet to come!

He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. We have to lose our life – die to self, die to our agendas and selfish desires, to really see the fullness of the Spirit operating in our lives. As we diligently pursue the Father, all of the fullness of heaven will come and invade, permeate, saturate, marinate, pervade and ooze out from us so everyone with whom we have contact will receive a touch of heaven! That’s our prayer, is it yours too? Be ready for His supernatural power to invade our world.

Keep coming Holy Spirit!


