Four weeks ago, I damaged my right knee.  I was swatting a fly and my body went in one direction and my knee went in the opposite direction.  There was a HUGE CRACK and I was in extreme pain.  I thought I had broken/chipped a bone.  I could hardly weight bare on my leg as my knee would give out.  Immediately my husband prayed for me releasing the healing power of Jesus into my knee. Over the next 3½ weeks I received prayer from the healing rooms team, prayer at my Church and of course every day either my husband or I laid hands on my knee.  I was not going to give in; I stood on the Word of God and trusted Jesus to bring restoration to my knee.  During this time by the end of the day I was in a lot of pain and was glad to get into bed only to have it ache and be tender whenever I moved my leg during the night.  On Wednesday night this week, before going to sleep we prayed again and when I woke up in the morning and climbed out of bed it took a couple seconds to realise I had NO PAIN!  My knee felt strong and was flexible and at peace.  PRAISE YOU JESUS!!  I’m so glad I pursued the HEALER for my healing!!  

Roslynne Ritchard 4/3/22


